Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ironman Inside the Numbers Part 2 - Key Workouts

Kyle and I drove to Mt. Gretna this morning to watch friends in a great local triathlon. Snapped this photo of Mike "Pappy" McHale transitioning from the swim to bike. Pappy's our official tri club philosopher and spiritual healer. Sort of a cross between Yoda and Burgess Meredith (Rocky's trainer... can't remember the character name).
Yesterday I completed a very key workout - an ironman "race simulation," a 112-mile ride followed by a 4-mile run. I selected an extremely hilly course to help prep me for riding through the Adirondacks. In summary I had a good day, but Coach P thinks it's a miracle I can still walk. Despite my slow speed, he says I pushed too hard.
Anyway, for any triathlete-types checking in, here's my official data and report...

Bike Data:
Duration: 6:36:10
Work: 3801 kJ
TSS: 401.2 (intensity factor 0.78)
Norm Power: 186
VI: 1.16
Distance: 107.255 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 366 160 watts
Heart rate: 85 169 131 bpm
Cadence: 30 252 78 rpm
Speed: 0 41.1 16.2 mph

Nutrition: 2 Clif Bars, 12 scoops InifinIT, ½-PBJ sandwich, 6 Powergels, 5 Endurolyte caps. Total intake = 2,720 calories = 412/hour; 4,282 mg sodium = 649 mg/hour.

Conditions: 60F at 6:30 am, 88F and sunny at end.

Breakfast: Glass OJ, flaxseed caps, PBJ sandwich, banana, cup of coffee.

What went well…
Good attitude and focus through 90 miles.
Able to stay below HR threshold on 7 of 8 long climbs.
Average heart rate 131 bpm
Nutrition plan.

What went wrong…
Bottles cages came loose.
Chain, bottom bracket got real squeaky.
Self-doubt, low gas after 90 miles.
Shortened run due to overheating and asthma flare-up.
With high heat, needed additional water to pour over head.
Cleat issues as the day heated up.

To do…
Cycle, cycle, cycle
Focus on pushing over top of hill.
Work on the bike…


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