Sunday, April 01, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect

A tough 14-hour training week culminated with three key workouts this weekend - swim, bike, and run half ironman race simulations. The workouts have several benefits in addition to building race-specific fitness. They also help me create appropriate pacing strategies, a nutrition plan, and let me try out the gear I'm planning to use on May 6. Hopefully race-day execution will become second nature.

Overall the training sessions were a resounding success. I'll fine tune my race strategy in three weeks, with one final simulation weekend.

Our kids' schedules are really kicking in, too. Both boys are playing baseball and flag football. Colin's also training for a 5k race in late April. I'm convinced there's very little that teaches life lessons, balance and discipline like active involvement in sports during the school year.

Nothing inspiring to say tonight. I'm pretty whipped and have to get at some homework of my own before dozing off...


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